EPD The Environmental Product Declarations for Holmen's CLT have been carried out by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and approved by EPD Norway. They show that one cubic metre of Holmen's CLT, including raw material extraction, production and transport, binds as much as 672 kg ofCO2 net. The gross amount sequestered is 718 kg ofCO2 and thanks to production based on 100% certified electricity from hydropower, the emissions produced are as low as 46 kgCO2.
Here you will find our Environmental Product Declarations

FSC® Chain of Custody Certificate
Holmen is FSC-certified (FSC®® C107490) for the manufacture, construction, installation and sale of CLT, among other things.
PEFCs certification
By applying PEFC's certification for chain of custody products, Holmen can ensure that our wood raw material comes from sustainably managed forests.
Here you can read more and download our certificates and environmental declarations.
Environmental classification of buildings
Martinsons' CLT building elements have the highest possible rating in a number of different environmental classifications of buildings